
Finally, it feels like Spring time! Time to lighten-up our being, our food, our clothes and our relationships. As seasons change, so do we. A heavy stew no longer seems desirable on a hot day, just like a dark sweater or a heavy thought that often accompanies a gloomy day. Time to CHANGE, to shed some weight you’ve been holding on to keep yourself warm, to go for walks, to hold hands and lighten-up the bedroom sheets. Time to SMILE more often and APPRECIATE all you’ve been given.


So start your rejuvenation with better self-care, plenty of non-iced smoothies and juices, salads and light, non-meat based soups. Drink plenty of water, breathe deep, pray hard and dream big! CHANGE! 


You think you can’t? If a 16 year old can so can you! You know, I preach a lot, and sometimes think I preach into thin air, only to find out years later the difference I made in someones life. But this 16 year old boy didn’t feel like he had time to waste to live his best life. He listened without me knowing it, until one day he took charge of the way he eats and the way his family shops. He became conscious of food politics and stood-up against it. He will not be my client at the age of thirty, he just changed the trajectory of his life! 


So CHANGE, LIGHTEN-UP, become EDUCATED, take ACTION and don’t let time pass by. Disease is not normal, not in the way you think.


And while you sip your delicious layered shake, I’ll be in NY training more in ME so I can teach you more about YOU!



with love and lightness of being,


Oatmeal Pancakes 

oat pancake  

1 cup organic rolled oats (or GF)
1/2 cup organic applesauce
1 egg
1 TB flaxseed meal
1 tsp cinnamon
2 TB maple syrup, plus more for drizzling
Blend all ingredients in a blender until pancake like batter forms. Put it in the fridge and soak overnight to remove the phytic acid (remember that’s what makes grains so hard to digest?) Add a little water if too thick. Heat a little coconut oil in a flat cast iron skillet over medium heat. Drop about 2 tablespoons of mixture in pan and cook through, about 2 minutes on each side.
Add organic yogurt, organic apple sauce or cashew cream. Drizzle with more syrup. Delicious!

1 banana

1/2 cup raw cashews soaked overnight and rinsed
2 dates or raw honey to taste, or maple syrup (not too much)
1/4 cup water
Add all ingredients to blender or food processor. Blend until smooth. 

Vitamix comes in handy when it comes to nut butters and shakes. If you want to, you can check it out now from my website. Free shipping when you decide on one.
Serve on top of your pancakes and enjoy your day!



Go light, go recipe-free, go simple!


Your food becomes your thoughts.    
If you want to feel like Spring, light and bright, go with leafy greens, cleansing herbs, like cilantro and parsley, plenty of water and some fruits. Look-up my dressings from my previous newsletter or improvise your own with some Extra Virgin Olive Oil (remember dark glass bottle only), lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, a tidbit of raw honey or not, some salt and you are done. Make it in a jar and shake it. Keep some for tomorrow.SMILE!