Pause for a moment and think of what you deserve….

I deserve a healthy body and mind.

I am worthy of having a fit body and a sound mind.   I am a good person who is worthy of having a healthy body and a healthy mind. I am worth taking care of and I love myself enough to put my health first.   Just as I take special care of my family and even my animals and plants, I take special care of myself.

By taking care of myself I will have more to offer others, but I also take care of myself because I deserve to be healthy.  

I make sure that my family has healthy foods to eat, a clean house to live in, and clean clothes to wear.
I listen to them when they talk to me.
I provide my family with healthy bodies and healthy minds because I love them.   Just as I take care of my family, I choose to take care of myself, too. I make sure I have a clean house to live in, clean clothes to wear, and healthy food to eat. I spend time relaxing and recharging my mind because I love me.

I love me because I am worth loving.  

Today I will take an inventory of myself and I will list the things about me that I love. I acknowledge my accomplishments and my traits that I enjoy. I give myself credit for being a strong, intelligent and caring person who is worthy of a healthy body and mind.  

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What do I love about me?

2. What accomplishments am I most proud of?

3. How have I taken care of my body and my mind?

If it’s hard, remember, I am here. If you have never paid attention, pause and think about yourself in a loving way. You are a loving creation and you are a perfect one. Don’t ever think of yourself as less than or unworthy.